A funny music theatre about growing up and having children. Awarded the German Record Critics’ Prize. Based on the book of the same name by Eva Billisich. A classic!


Tolle Wolle
Ob das gut geht
Ein Kind im Bauch
Charlotte Ringlotte

This is not an educational play – but one about the pleasures and worries of becoming parents. Energetic and thrillingly enacted, an enjoyable behind-the-scenes glimpse of family Ringlotte. For kids an entertaining snapshot of the time when their parents were ’single’ but unsure yet daringly began to change their lives forever – or to turn it upside-down completely. Quick shifts between professional acting and puppet theatre, a whole range of fresh songs and false bottoms, in which not a single word is invented. Based on a true story!

CHARLOTTE RINGLOTTE won the price of German record-critics and so became a timeless classic.


Lilo and Ringo Ringlotte live a good live. They like each other a lot! So much that they look almost the same. She has a wool store and he has a motorbike. Until one day Lilo knits a babyjacket and therefore decides that she wants to have a baby. Because who has a babyjacket needs a baby to go with it. Crystal clear to Lilo. Not as crystal clear to Ringo! All of a sudden family Ringlottes life takes an unexpected turn. And then all these questions: Is Lilo going to love Ringo just as much after the baby is born? Are kids too loud? Do they incessantly toot into their pants? Is there going to be enough space in bed for Ringo? Or will he have to sleep on an air mattress? And what should the baby’s name be?

Ringo: „Camillo. Like uncle Camillo!“

Lilo: „Or Cilli. Like aunt Cilli!“

Ringo: „Or Lio. Like our friend Lio!“

Lilo: „Or Charlotte! Like, like… – nobody that we know!“


For Kids over 4 | Length: 55 Minutes | Available as audio drama CD with music & as book

On request the play will be performed in an extended version with live band.

Acting & Puppet theater, live music | Authors: Eva Billisich & Ch. Picco Kellner|with: Michaela Studeny & Christian Himmelbauer (Acting & Puppet theater) and Robby Lederer (Music & Technology) | Composition: Robby Lederer & Ch. Picco Kellner | Director: Hubertus Zorell | Pictures: Christian Anderl, Shootcamp