the Actors Crew


Writer | actor & puppeteer | director | Production manager | Puppet maker

After the studies of drama and Theater Studies in 1982 he worked as a writer, musician, actor, puppeteer and a director. He was a crew-member of the Urania Puppet Theater, the Cabaret Trittbrettl and he founded the Theatro Piccolo in 1991. He also works international with the song-song-song theater in Taiwan, the LOCT in China and since 12 years with IYASA Zimbabwe in Africa. Sometimes you can see him in supporting roles in films or as a musician.


Schau- & Puppenspielerin | Figurenbildnerin | Autorin

Ausbildung u. a. am Actors Studio Vienna. Seit 2013 Eigenproduktionen (u. a. Edgar Allan Poe, Drei Kobolde für Scrooge) und Arbeiten im ORF in verschiedenen Puppenformaten.  Ensemblemitglied des Urania Puppentheaters sowie des Schubert Theaters Wien (Paperman). Seit Juni 2020 an der Volksoper Wien (Die Zauberflöte). Seit 2021 Ensemblemitglied des Theatro Piccolo.

Sie betreibt in Wien das Figuren Atelier.



Schau- & Puppenspielerin | Yogalehrerin | Patientinnen-Schauspielerin für Medizinstudenten

Auf das Musicalstudium folgte die staatliche Schauspielprüfung.  Seit 2015 vor allem auf Bühnen in Wien und Oberösterreich und in kleinen Filmrollen zu sehen. Nebenberuflich als Yogalehrerin und Patientinnen-Schauspielerin für Medizinstudierende tätig.

Seit 2022 in Stücken des Theatro Piccolo im Einsatz.



Actor & Puppeter | Director

Educated at the Schubert Conservatory in Vienna, studied theatre sciences and german studies in Vienna, works as director, actor and acting teacher, director of the “Theater im Hof” in Enns. Since 2012 in various plays at the Theatro Piccolo. Works among others for the Bregenz Festival, the Volkstheater and Rabenhof in Vienna, the Theatre Kiel, Next Liberty Graz and Westfälisches Landestheater.


Composer | Musician | Conductor | Audio Engineering

Musicians with passion! Founded the Theatro Piccolo together with Picco Kellner, composes & arranges a large part of all songs and accompanies the performances with guitar, mandolin and vocals. Before that he was a member of the “Liederlich Spielleut”, has done recordings for the “Schmetterlinge” and a music engagement at the Burgtheater Vienna. Band founder of “Riowien”, “Puschkawü” and “Gomera Streetband”, for which he also creates music videos.


Actor & Puppeter | Director | Clown

In addition to his stage certificate, he also trained in film in Los Angeles and took a master class with M.K. Lewis. Since 2000 as a clown with the Red Noses. Since 2007 as an actor and director with Theatro Piccolo. In addition, various engagements in Vienna, Linz, Klagenfurt, Salzburg, Bregenz, Stuttgart, Kaiserslautern and 2018 with the Theatro Piccolo for two months on a tour in China.


Actress & Puppeteer | Yoga & Yoga training manager | Dance teacher

Studied educational science, freelance theatre & performance artist, dance teacher for artistic expression dance, yoga teacher for children and adults. Since 2010 she has been working as a show & puppeteer at Theatro Piccolo in several productions. 2014 foundation of the theatre performance group “Tandaradei”, performances among others in Dschungel Wien and Kabelwerk Wien.


Actress & Puppeteer | Theatre maker

Since 2011 ensemble member of Theatro Piccolo as a show and puppeteer and director. She com-pleted her studies in Theater, Film and Media Studies in Vienna with a focus on theater pedagogy, as well as her basic training in acting and film. In order to give full attention to her artistic work, she completed her Master in Physical Devised Theatre and Performance in Berlin (LISPA – now: art-haus berlin/ Rose Bruford College London). Julia works on interdisciplinary performance projects in Austria, Germany and Spain – even sometimes in India. Also she was on a three months Tour in China with Theatro Piccolo.


Writer | Actress | Director | Singer | Drummer

Eva is well known from the movies like “Muttertag”, “Hinterholzacht” or “Kaisermühlen Blues”. After her acting Training at Schauspielschule Seeböck 1986 she had various engagements as an Actress in Vienna. At the Theatro she works since 1959 as a writer and director. Also she is a musician as a singer in her band “Die derrische Kapelln” and as a drummer in the punk-band “Sanierte Altbauten”.


Actress & Puppeteer

Studied Theatre Studies, then worked in Vienna at the agency Müllers Freunde for interactive & participative projects and as a trainer for multipliers in the field of leisure education. Since 2000 also ensemble member of the Theatro Piccolo, show & puppet artist in various plays. In the last years responsible for tour planning & organisation.


Stand-Up Comedian | Actress and Puppeteer | Director | Author

Studied acting in Graz, since 2013 ensemble member of the Theatro Piccolo. Engagements at Theaters in Austria (Schauspielhaus Graz, Landestheater Vorarlberg) and Germany (Kammerspiele Dresden, Staatstheater Darmstadt). Actress in film and television productions (“Sisi”, “Schlawiner”). 2015 Winner of the Graz cabaret Bird with the cabaret duo Kaufmann-Herberstein.